Thursday, 18 March 2010

Dwarf Warriors - Complete

Right.  I finally got their bases completed.  They're not amazing, unfortunately the milliput was a little too sticky and so stuck to the stamp in place, so some of the bases have little tears in them. :(  But they're not so noticeable.  As usual my camera has washed away the blue tone of the unit. I really don't know why, but it does look a bit closer this time.  But, they're done:

And, an extra treat... this is my "completed model" shelf I have with me at uni.  I have more at home, but not many pictures of them. 


  1. These look really good, Kuffeh. I was watching some ppl pushing around some trays of Dwarfs at my FLGS the other night, and it almost made me want to dust off my stunties and march off to war.

    Then I remembered how maddening it was to have 20-man blocks of T4, 3+ save, Ld9, Stubborn models lose a combat by one wound and get rundown every other turn...

  2. They look fantastic, I wouldn't worry about the bases you can't really even notice. In my opinion they just look like old, worn cobblestone.

    Keep up the great work i can't wait to see what's next.


  3. Very nice work, the color scheme really comes out well in larger numbers. :)

  4. Jonathan - Thanks. I think you should do. The world could do with more dwarfs in it. -__^ But if you're dwarfs are fleeing whilst stubborn, then I think you need to give them some more ale. =P

    BJ - Thanks. I figured as much, it was just annoying to get the amounts wrong.

    Dennis - Thanks. =)

  5. great! i really like the colors, and was that a girocopter?? i've never seen one like that before... its nice !! :)

  6. Pancho - Thanks. It isn't, no. It is in fact an ork Deffkopta. I have many many of these, but this is my only painted one. But thanks anyway. -__^

  7. Looking stellar!

    Also, I love the Blood Bowl dice off the side set up in my least favorite configuration... :-p Trying to ward off ill luck?

  8. Dverning - Thanks. And, maybe... It never works, but perhaps having them face up will drain the skulls of their power... =P

  9. These came out very nice. What color(brand) do you use for the green? Looks very cool. I'm thinking about painting a dwarf army once I finish my Space Wolves.

  10. Jcroxford - Thanks. Unfortunately, the green isn't green. It is turquiose, which for some reason my camera turns it green, rather than blue. :(

  11. Looking good, I'm hoping to get a good chunk of my Dwarf Army painted this year and this certainly helps to inspire me.

  12. Kahuna - I am glad you like them. I'm even happier if you're inspired by them. =)


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