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Thursday 6 May 2010

Warrior Priest - Complete

So, he's finally done.  Overall I am pretty damn happy with him, painting wise I like.  The freehand isn't amazing but I'm still learning - it says "Empire" at the top and "Sigmar" at the bottom, I found I tend to paint letters too thickly.  Something to deal with next time.  The weathering might be hard to see, but has turned out quite nicely.  Then I decided to do some blood on his hammer, came out well I feel.  The final thing I have done tonight was his base - or the shield on it.  It's a midtone purple with half an eight-pointed star on... then muddied and bloodied up.  I really like the look of it.

I did have a slight problem at the end.  The hands did not go together seamlessly like they originally did.  I do not know why but there was a slight gap, I am not happy about this as I feel it spoils him a bit.  I don't want a buyer to get him and see these and get upset. :(  However, I cannot think of a way of fixing it without GSing over the gaps.  So, it will be left.  I have tried to cover them as best I can.  *shrug*

Anyway, before the pictures go up, he will be going on ebay later this week (I'm going to post a link to it when he's up), so feel free to bid on him!  This is mainly a small project to see if I am good enough to occasionally earn a little bit of money on the side.  It be nice!

Now... photos.


  1. Man, I really love the gritty look of this guy. He looks like he has seen battle for sure. Great job.

  2. Great job mate! If I had one criticism (more of an observation than criticism) is that it looks a little shiny - the dark and gritty paint job would benefit from a matte finish. I wouldn't change it now though.

    I don't if others have any better advice for lettering, but some things I've found that help are:

    a). Once you've put the lettering on, use the scroll background colour to "narrow" the letters - it seems easier to paint over the excess black, than it is to paint a thin line.

    b). Start with the middle letter(s) and work outwards

    Other than that, good work! :)

  3. He's turned out to be a great model.

    Andy's advice regarding lettering are very sound, so next time heed his words, and I'm sure you'll get a result you're more happy with. Also remember to dilute your paint (if you don't already) when doing freehand, it's much easier to control.

  4. Jcroxford - Thanks, that's kinda what I was going for.

    Andy - Well, he hasn't been varnished yet, so he might look shiny. I'm also thinking the photos were a bit too bright to show off the details well. Might look at taking some more.

    I tried that, but by the time I got around to it the mix had dried and I couldn't get it quite right. I tried the start in the middle, I just need to practice more.

    Thanks for the advice.

    Noeste - Thanks. It was diluted, I might just have to be sure to wick more off the brush next time.

    Thanks guys.

  5. regarding lettering. One thing I just recently started doing was using a micro pen instead of brush. For me my hand is a lot more stead at writing letters vs. painting them.

  6. Jc - I have considered that, but I'd like to be able to paint them on should I wish to. But yeah, its something I haven't tried.

  7. Ah, sorry mate, I thought it looked like a glossy varnish. :(

    I tend to use a flat pure colour like Dheneb Stone for the area where I'm going to do the lettering. Then I use a thin carefully applied glaze to shade, after I've done the lettering (and the foundation paints are obviously great for painting over black).

  8. No worries. I did use some gloss varnish in the darker mud.

    I used a different mix. I think I just need more practice. =)
